The Art of Tarot IV Group Exhibit Ghost Gallery 2020

Tarot Star Pendent
showing at the Ghost Gallery 

Here is one of the profoundest doctrines of Sacred Science, the doctrine that the universe owes its existence to the Creator's perpetual self-recognition. Nature is thus the result of Spirit's meditation upon the powers of its own being. The universe is thought into existence, and is maintained in existence by thought. Upon this foundation rests the whole structure of practical occultism, and from this doctrine you may understand the importance of meditation. 

Paul Foster Case, The Book Of Tokens 

the keystone is about balance and health. the star represents an aspirants inspiration under the process of well being and generosity towards others. whether it's the Bible, Torah, Koran, Dhammapada, Tao Te Ching, Vedas/Upanishads/Bhagavad Gita -choose or even be your own volume. the book or even love, will act as rays passing through one point to manifest the wish upon a star.

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