The Hermit EP by The Arcanauts
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The Kykeon and Icon of Hygeia A gentle painting for a harsh transit. not unpleasantly rough for most people but for a few who believe in the Eucharist and a god instituted by the church it could be. As a medical personification of health, Hygeia was daughter of Asklepios, the god of medicine. Traditionally Asklepios is known for his staff with a serpent which integrates similar details with the Caduceus of Hermes. I selected the Greek goddess in this painting in favor of other deities because of her relationship between three symbols. The first being the molting snake going through various phases in an immutable soulful way-a vehicle or vehiculum Second, the amuletic badge ' the Pythagorean pentagram ' belonging naturally to an order that expresses health, inspiration and harmony. The third is the cup that contains the passage into the circle with which the diameter or chord passes through everlasting li...
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the trespassing mouth is an effigy locator. a symbolic punisher. it has a soft spot for finding target's to talk about. it is viral and highly contagious. on it's best behavior the trespassing mouth is charming because it wants excessive attention but meanwhile it intrudes without permission. it feeds on those who are tenderly attentive and secretly angry. the trespassing mouth is a subject of great debate but remains a hidden category that influences our highest courts and officials. scientists aren't really too sure what it is. it behaves like a parasite and needs a host. it believes in a non representational freedom that it uses as an excuse to do whatever it wants. we know it adapts structurally to the mouth where it suppresses cognition in the brain while mining and feeding on internal anger. use of empathy seems to show remarkable healing results in the fight against the trespassing mouth.
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Six is everything from carbons intense journey from sedimentary to diamond, snowflakes and honey combs. Six constitutes beauty, efficacy and strength. Six is favored and feared while representing the shape of creation in many religions. All tiles are hand cut, filed and individually enameled. I was inspired by studying Keith Critlow's book Islamic Patterns, An Analytical and Cosmological Approach.
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the apocalypse and the crusade for the must It is now possible for humanity to awaken to the liberating fact that each of us is a star, as unique and self-radiant as our celestial counterparts. Instead of desperately trying to determine the will of God and then clumsily attempting to cooperate with it, each of us must now come to realize that our will, if properly understood and executed, is already in harmony with the divine will. In other words, in this age, the holy quest is to discover one's own way rather than trying to guess what a God wants for you and hope from moment to moment that you are guessing correctly. -Lon Milo DuQuette
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transparent overlays of anatomy under Saturn what is evident in the geometry of the face of a flower can remind us of the geometry that underlies all existence. Studying the geometry of flowers is therefore a powerful way to reconnect us with the idea that we are all one; a definition that is captured in the word uni verse. The Hidden Geometry of Flowers: Living Rhythms, Form and Number Keith Critchlow
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4/5 of July lunar eclipse full moon Capricorn 2020. Heliacal rising of Sirius. Lifting of the Solar, soul. Guru Purnima "Corporeal Intelligence is attributed to Key 18. It means Body Consciousness, and is indicative that Illumination is dependent upon bodily states. Until the bodily organs are evolved to the extent that higher forms of consciousness can manifest through them it is impossible to experience such conscious states. Sleep is also attributed to this Key, and it is during sleep that our aspirations and efforts are built into organic structure. Every thought we think and every action has some modifying influence on bodily structure." Highlights of Tarot, Builders of the Adytum, Paul Foster Case "By this grip the spirit in man, long buried in the sepulcher of substance, is raised to life, and the candidate goes forth as a builder entitled to the wages of an initiate." Manly Palmer Hall
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Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, invisible Venus Listen, O dearly beloved! I am the reality of the world, the center of the circumference, I am the parts and the whole. I am the will established between Heaven and Earth, I have created perception in you only in order to be the object of my perception. If then you perceive Me, you perceive yourself. But you cannot perceive Me through yourself, It is through my eyes that you see Me and see yourself, Through your eyes you cannot see Me. Dearly beloved! I have called you so often and you have not heard Me I have shown myself to you so often and you have not seen Me. I have made myself fragrance so often, and you have not smelled Me. Savorous food, and you have not tasted Me. Why can you not reach Me through the object you touch Or breathe Me through sweet perfumes? Why do you not see Me? Why do you not hear Me? For you My delights surpass all other delights And the pleasure, I Proc...
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Breakfast with Duncan Neganigwane Pheasant Duncan Neganigwane Pheasant It’s my duty as an artist to to mention the Woodlands Medicine painting founded by Norval Morrisseau and practiced today by Duncan Neganigwane Pheasant. The style has made a very relevant impression on me. This includes practicing the ability to X-ray Dreamtime and remember the House of Invention. It would be a great misfortune not to mention this source of inspiration. I have had a correspondence with Duncan Neganigwane Pheasant since 2009 around the same time I discovered Norval Morrisseau. The coincidence is very meaningful to me. It has helped mature and guide my own artistic process. I am honored to have Duncan as a friend and brother in the fellowship of art Spiritual Silent Hunter, Duncan Neganigwane Pheasant Duncan Neganigwane Pheasant conversation in his own words April 18, 2020 I started to do art in public scho...
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Cone of Power "The cone of power contains the combined will of the group, and the power of the Goddess from within each person. The power is raised by chanting and singing, repeating a chant over and over until tension mounts. The practitioners feel the power grow, feel it rise from each person to merge into a fountain of light that surrounds and leaps above them, They add their own energy to the rising cone, to the growth of energy that is almost visible-heard and felt by all." Sherry Gamble from EarthSpirit
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Kabbalah inspired Pendent Everything lives by movement, everything is maintained by equilibrium, and harmony results from the analogy of contraries; this law is the form of forms. Éliphas Lévi it has been fun researching mysticism. not unlike Tibetan Buddhism or Taoism, Jewish Mysticism shares the same bottom line value that nothing is 'it'. basically all is one. a unified theory. that everything is no thing.. and nothing equals a pure word for everything in mutating spaciousness. the diagram of the tree of life represents a circuit board with ten major components called Sefirot-these are ten occurring qualities or conditions of matter that originate from an omniscient source. the sefiirot on the left represent structure while the sefirot on the right constitutes an uncooked or unregulated quality or effect. the sefirot in the middle acts as a condition of capacity between two extremes. for insistence, left would be a tight mold-a fixation and the right a strea...
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The Art of Tarot IV Group Exhibit Ghost Gallery 2020 Tarot Wheel of Fortune Pendent showing at the Ghost Gallery in my grasp are all things. Held in perfect equilibrium. I bind all opposites together, Each to its complement. One by another do I mitigate, So that nowhere in the universe Is there any real want or failure. Neither is there anywhere injustice, For the semblance of it Is one of the manifold aspects Of the delusion of separateness. Paul Foster Case, The Book Of Tokens The force in power in the preceding card expresses itself here with serenity. it is not provoked but natural and develops itself like this rooted plant, which progresses and whose sap associates itself with that of Kundalini and blossoms out in the Chakras.' from the Tarot Symbolique Maçonnique by Jean Beauchard. the Dharmachakra in Buddhist theory
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The Art of Tarot IV Group Exhibit Ghost Gallery 2020 Tarot Star Pendent showing at the Ghost Gallery Here is one of the profoundest doctrines of Sacred Science, the doctrine that the universe owes its exist ence to the Creator's perpetual self-recognition. Nature is thus the result of Spirit's meditation upon the powers of its own being. The universe is thought into existence, and is maintained in existence by thought. Upon this foundation rests the whole structure of practical occultism, and from this doctrine you may understand the importance of medita tion. Paul Foster Case, The Book Of Tokens the keystone is about balance and health. the star represents an aspirants inspiration under the process of well being and generosity towards others. whether it's the Bible, Torah, Koran, Dhammapada, Tao Te Ching, Vedas/Upanishads/Bhagavad Gita -choose or even be your own volume. the book or even lo...
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Autoscopic Star Body “Osiris, to go directly to the important part of this, was not a "dying god," not "life caught in the spell of death," or "a dead god," as modern interpreters have said. He was the hallucinated voice of a dead king whose admonitions could still carry weight. And since he could still be heard, there is no paradox in the fact that the body from which the voice once came should be mummified, with all the equipment of the tomb providing life's necessities: food, drink, slaves, women, the lot. There was no mysterious power that emanated from him; simply his remembered voice which appeared in hallucination to those who had known him and which could admonish or suggest even as it has before he stopped moving and breathing. And that various natural phenomena such as the whispering of waves could act as the cue for such hallucinations accounts for the belief that Osiris, or the king whose body has ceased to move and is in his mummy c...
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Tantra Connie Stout Collection \ I was inspired by Chögyam Trungpa's book The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness and the metaphor of the Star in the Tarot. Tantra means weaving and is about a relationship between the projector and the projected (or more modern example programmer and program) The women in painting is an adaptation from the goddess Tara in Buddhist Theory. Tantra is the hot blood of spiritual practice. It smashes the taboo against unreasonable happiness; a thunderbolt path, swift, joyful, and fierce. There is no authentic Tantra without profound commitment, discipline, courage, and a sense of wild, foolhardy, fearless abandon. Chogyam Trungpa "The Star, still called pentagram, represents for the Pythagoreans, the radiant initiate. Indeed for a long time, we represent a man, arms and legs apart, registered in the Star. His five points are thus attributed to the five extremities of the man whose head occupies t...
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The Pools of Cryptomnesia ( or the stars journey through Pisces to Aquarius ) it is very important to understand that visualization practice is quite different from imagining an image. Simply picturing a deity sitting on your head or imagining deities in front of you as metal images is completely different from visualization practice. Visualization is the sensation of being positively haunted. Volume III The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness Chogyam Trungpa