
Showing posts from March, 2019
Refraction of Venus Sandy Johns Collection how lucky we are to receive the refracted gifts of Venus. each to their own cup, as the bending wave is abundant or thin. along the rings and pages of each day, she conveys spiral and first blush to every petal. it is the bloom that provides surface, to curve light into color. I hear as the foot falls on the key note it follows. my body, a prism of combined attitude can not overlook the unplayed verse in the shape of a flower. Mitchell Pluto 
Ghost Magpie gift of the Uranus transit Taurus Christina Homer Collection   on March 6, 2019 my wife and I saw a ghost magpie outside the window. this event happen while Uranus transited Taurus. Uranus has a unique overturning magnetic influence. While Taurus regulates the senses in an abbreviated-routine way, Uranus activates the thalamus within the brain. when this occurs our vision is lengthen and thoughts become more liberated. the most reliable teacher under this influence is gazing into the sri yantra, which is also the rose cross.       
Paintings available at Bohème Apothēca   113 W Park St, Livingston, MT Livingston, Montana “Even the most carefully defined philosophical or mathematical concept, which we are sure does not contain more than we have put into it, is nevertheless more than we assume. It is a psychic event and as such partly unknowable. The very numbers you use in counting are more than you take them to be. They are at the same time mythological elements (for the Pythagoreans, they were even divine); but you are certainly unaware of this when you use numbers for a practical purpose.”  ― C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols writing and paintings © Mitchell Pluto Odin and the Word/World Tree The twelfth tarot archetype specifies an enclosed circle as a unit of time. The stories surrounding the Nordic myth of Odin and the tree in my interpretation manifest as a circumference. The center dot of the circle is referred as Bindu in Sanskrit, a point which lacks nothi...