
Showing posts from 2019
my painting  Teletransportación interceptada por complejos autónomos/  Teleportation intercepted by autonomous complexes will be shown briefly and remain part of a permanent archive of Surrealism at the Espacio Matta Museum.    Exposición 100 años de Surrealismo.  Inauguración sábado 28 de diciembre.  Santa Rosa #9014 La Granja , Chile La Granja, Chile.   "I am interested only in the unknown and I work for my own astonishment." Roberto Matta "I was interested in other spaces to do with forms drawn from non-Euclidean geometry and the idea of entering these spaces. These structures do not rely on the sense of space, as we know it. It is a space without limits and which transforms itself in time - a mutant space."  Roberto Matta Teleportation intercepted by autonomous complexes. Mitchell Pluto    "Everything in this painting is psychological .. How to picture the battlefield, not the physical one, but the o...
Mary Witkop and Mitchell Pluto collaboration 1998   Vessels: methods of containment. Can you take the heat? Are you opaque and dense, slow to warm so no one can tell what is going on inside? Sometimes it is less an issue what is in the vessel, the nature of the stuff being contained, and more one of shape: leaky, fragile, brittle, solid, full to overflowing, empty, cracked   Alchemical Psychology.  James Hillman  
portal to the eleusinian mysteries Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for. The damned thing in the cave, that was so dreaded, has become the center.  Joseph Campbell
Pythagorean Star pendent   health, hygiene, hygieia “In the pentagram, the Pythagoreans found all proportions well-known in antiquity: arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and also the well-known golden proportion, or the golden ratio. ... Probably owing to the perfect form and the wealth of mathematical forms, the pentagram was chosen by the Pythagoreans as their secret symbol and a symbol of health.  - Alexander Voloshinov hygiene, hygieia, Hugieia metaphors like the star, cup and snake of Hygieia are lost map keys that level the garden of eden as a position that exists within the mind. the ideas of hermeticism in the 16/17th century was just a cover for science, knowledge and most importantly health. the occult, which is from the word occultation, focuses the foreground to block the view of the background. the interference between these points of view haunts the uninformed to this day. superstition inspires fear to intimidate and control confidence. this occultation ...
bird skylight pendent of mercury transiting the sun The collective unconscious…appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images, for which reason the myths of all nations are its real exponents. In fact the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious. We can see this most clearly if we look at the heavenly constellations, whose originally chaotic forms are organized through the projection of images. This explains the influence of the stars as asserted by astrologers. These influences are nothing but unconscious, introspective perceptions of the collective unconscious.  – Carl G. Jung
guardian of the fourth chakra Marion Flanary Collection “Our hearts resonate at the same frequency as the earth and the universe. Therefore, we are all valuable instruments in the orchestration of the world and its harmony.” Suzy Kassem
cymatics from the astral jungle  Don’t get addicted to being human. This is only temporary. Robert Monroe
the lost i is in the spool of the cocoon  Spin is a fundamental personality characteristic of all energy structures, not only elementary particles. it is the wheeling of galaxies. The movement of humans living on a spinning globe. spinning is the orientation of all living organisms to the rotational momentum of womb-planets or designed plan-its.   - Timothy Leary, Evolutionary Agents 
contagion of fear  “We also have to give up the notion of a divine savior, which has nothing to do with what religion we belong to, but refers to the idea of someone or something who will save us without our having to go through any pain. In fact, giving up that kind of false hope is the first step. We have to be with ourselves. We have to be real people. There is no way of beating around the bush, hoping for the best. If you are really interested in working with yourself, you can’t lead that kind of double life, adopting ideas, techniques, and concepts of all kinds, simply in order to get away from yourself.” ― Chögyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery

The Mother Coyote Band

cover for Mexican Blues Band The Mother Coyote Thunderbird, Lyrics: The weather of seasons ain’t what it used to be Autumn and winter manifest their rivalry Is the eye of the hurricane really full off hummingbirds Is there a light after this long cold night The cry of the heavens won’t cease until we change They say there’d be no rest till judgement day Until we learn again when to take and how to give Save our souls from impending doom, the light’s going out Before our time, would you lead us to the higher ground, old friend Thunderbird, may you flap your wings and bring the thunder and rain Take us to the next life on this endless journey And maybe next time we’ll remember how to live And bring us that fire that purifies the soul There’s one last tragedy before the dawn Tell me why brothers couldn’t seem to get along In all of written human history Philosophical stranglehold that keeps us from movin on Save our souls from impending doom, ...
Artificial Intelliegineer  In this electronic age we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of information, moving toward the technological extension of consciousness.  Marshall McLuhan
Refraction of Venus Sandy Johns Collection how lucky we are to receive the refracted gifts of Venus. each to their own cup, as the bending wave is abundant or thin. along the rings and pages of each day, she conveys spiral and first blush to every petal. it is the bloom that provides surface, to curve light into color. I hear as the foot falls on the key note it follows. my body, a prism of combined attitude can not overlook the unplayed verse in the shape of a flower. Mitchell Pluto 
Ghost Magpie gift of the Uranus transit Taurus Christina Homer Collection   on March 6, 2019 my wife and I saw a ghost magpie outside the window. this event happen while Uranus transited Taurus. Uranus has a unique overturning magnetic influence. While Taurus regulates the senses in an abbreviated-routine way, Uranus activates the thalamus within the brain. when this occurs our vision is lengthen and thoughts become more liberated. the most reliable teacher under this influence is gazing into the sri yantra, which is also the rose cross.       
Paintings available at Bohème Apothēca   113 W Park St, Livingston, MT Livingston, Montana “Even the most carefully defined philosophical or mathematical concept, which we are sure does not contain more than we have put into it, is nevertheless more than we assume. It is a psychic event and as such partly unknowable. The very numbers you use in counting are more than you take them to be. They are at the same time mythological elements (for the Pythagoreans, they were even divine); but you are certainly unaware of this when you use numbers for a practical purpose.”  ― C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols writing and paintings © Mitchell Pluto Odin and the Word/World Tree The twelfth tarot archetype specifies an enclosed circle as a unit of time. The stories surrounding the Nordic myth of Odin and the tree in my interpretation manifest as a circumference. The center dot of the circle is referred as Bindu in Sanskrit, a point which lacks nothi...
Geomantic Knight   "The cyclic symbolism of the Chess board resides in the fact that it expresses the unfolding of space according to the quaternary and octonary of principle directions (4x4x4=8x8) and that it synthesizes in crystalline form, the two great complementary cycles of the sun and moon: the duodenary of the zodiac and the 28 lunar mansions; further more, the number 64, the sum of the squares on the Chess board is a submultiple of the fundamental cyclic number 25920, which measures the precession of the equinoxes  - Titus  Burckhardt     .
Buried waves, the Currents of Hydromancy    “We have a dual myth of earth and sky - the star constellations laid out on earth, and the Knights impersonating the stars above them”   Katharine Emma Maltwoodic 
Discovering  the Habitation Spiral  "The true mathematical science is that which measureth the invisible lines and immortal beams which can pass through cold and turf, hill and dale. It was for this reason, it was accounted by all ancient priests the chiefest science, for it gave them power both in their words and works." Dr. John Dee
Artificial Memory Lost in the Woods Awareness does not engage with objects of the ordinary mind. It is “self-cognizing primordial wisdom.” This can be illustrated by the “light” of the new moon: a profoundly indwelling luminosity, which does not radiate outward. Therefore, despite the fact that the five primordial wisdoms are spontaneously present in awareness, the latter is without thoughts related to sense objects. By contrast, even when it is still, the ordinary mind nevertheless “moves” and follows after different objects. It is like the light of the moon on the fifteenth of the month, which radiates outward and engulfs everything.  Awareness is like the light of the new moon - Jigme Lingpa  Treasury of Precious Qualities: Book Two: Vajrayana and the Great Perfection
The Enigmatist  We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe. Manly Hall