Pluto Transit at The Observatory, 15 S Howard St, Spokane Besides being an artist, I'm a detective investigating the collective unconsciousness. Many of my paintings test the surrealistic method of automatic painting. This trial employs the force of the subconscious to reveal images. Usually the expectation of creating a picture follows the gravitational pull from brain, to a sketch to the painting. These steps match and complete the artist's will in one magnetic stream.. however surrealism exercises a different kind of intention and will. Surrealism requires tuning into the dreaming brain like a radio that's receptive to lots of channels. Our most religious and animistic part of the brain can be stimulated by treating any surface or background as if Rorschach spilled ink everywhere. Some found images will share the same space and time together, like a bird's head with a human body. One has to keep an eye on their amygdala and the ...